
TCBS Athletic Dept.

Teron Yazzie - ext. 3266
Athletic Director


Students will feel secure in the fact that each day will begin on a positive note, and expectations will be consistent, equitable, clearly expressed, and of the highest quality available. Students will be given opportunity to participate in school-sponsored athletics. Students will receive due process through a Table of Student Rights and Responsibilities.


Interscholastic athletes are an integral part of the total education program designed to provide a broad spectrum of opportunities for student participation. The element of competition and winning, although exists, is controlled to the point where it does not determine the nature of the program and is kept at the level appropriate to junior high school youth. Students are stimulated to want to excel and win, but principles of good sportsmanship prevail at all times to enhance the educational and social values of the athletic events.

The Tuba City Boarding School believes in maintaining a proper balance between the academic programs and extracurricular activities for students. It is also our commitment to provide equal opportunities for participation for both girls and boys in all sports.


    As a member of a TCBS athletic team, students are expected to follow the school dress code.