
TCBS Food Service

Valencia McCabe - ext. 5133
Kitchen Supervisor
Tempress Freeman - ext. 5120
USDA Clerk
In the operation of child feeding programs, no child will be discriminated against because of race, color, national origin, age or disability. If you believe you have been discriminated against, write immediately to the Dept. of Agriculture, Washington, DC. 20250

Breakfast Menu

Lunch Menu

Lunch Schedule (Coming Soon)

Grade Regular Schedule Gold Day


Tuba City Boarding School students will be participating in the National School Lunch Program and the school breakfast program. As part of this program, Tuba City Boarding School implementing Special Assistance Programs will offer healthy meals every school day at NO COST to the students due to the implementation of the Community Eligibility Provision for school year 2018 and 2019. Students will be able to participate in these meal programs without having to pay a fee or submit a household application.